Sunday 11 November 2012

WatchMaster® Pro+ Pan and Tilt Cooled Thermal Security Camera

WatchMaster® Pro+ Pan and Tilt Cooled Thermal Security Camera
WatchMaster<sup>®</sup> Pro+ Pan and Tilt Cooled Thermal Security Camera with continuous zoom If you're looking for mid-range thermal and daylight surveillance imaging systems that's both affordable and high-performance, WatchMaster® Pro+ is the solution.

DRS' WatchMaster® Pro+ brings advanced thermal imaging technology to a wide variety of force protection and security applications. Whether the camera is in a fixed location, on a moveable mast, or mounted on a vehicle, it provides unparalleled performance for force protection, border patrols, airport and base security, law-enforcement agencies and vulnerable critical infrastructure such as utility-company facilities.

Employing proven DRS cooled Mercury Cadmium Telluride 640x480, 12 µm pitch mid-wave detector technology with ultra long-life cryogenic coolers for low life-cycle cost, the WatchMaster® Pro+ delivers exceptional thermal sensitivity and resolution, on a 24x7 basis, and in conditions of virtually zero visibility, for truly extraordinary situational awareness. Backed by an industry-leading two year warranty, the system has an effective cooler warranty of 17,520 hours if operated continuously for the two years. One of the primary lifecycle costs with any cooled camera is cooler maintenance/refurbishment. Because of the extended warranty provided with the WatchMaster® Pro+, it provides a significantly lower total cost of ownership (TCO) than most equivalent cooled systems on the market. The cost of ownership savings can easily extend to six figures over the life of a system!

Additionally, WatchMaster® Pro+ offers the outstanding utility of 12X+ continuous zoom optics and automatic focusing, enabling wide-area coverage and up-close assessment of distant targets.

Measuring 14.9 x 10.5 x 8.1 inches and weighing 27 pounds, WatchMaster® Pro+ is lightweight, sealed and pressurized, and very easy to configure and install. It is also a truly plug 'n play device suitable for day, night or day/night capability.

Export of the commodities described herein is strictly prohibited without a valid export license issued by the U.S. Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, prescribed in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), Title 22, Code of Federal Regulation, Parts 120-130.

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